Apostle Build
Meet our 2019 Partner Family

Angela, Jaden, Jared, and Emilee are our 2019 partner family! Angie works in law enforcement transcription, and Jaden, Jared, and Emilee are students at Alliance City Schools. The twin boys are 16, and Emilee is 13, all three play baseball in the Canton Challengers Baseball League. The family helped on the 2018 build, and they are excited to get to work on their forever home!
Our summer 2019 project is an Apostle Build! The Apostle Build is a partnership that allows individual churches to join together to fund and build a home for a local family. As Jesus’s Apostles were charged with spreading the word about Him, our Apostle Churches are charged with assisting in Habitat’s mission to provide shelter for God’s children.
We are welcoming new churches to our roster this year, and looking to expand! For information about how you, or your church can help with this project please contact us.
Thank you!
Niki McIlvain
Executive Director, AAHFH

2019 Partner Churches
Abiding Savior Lutheran Church
Bethel United Church of Christ
Beloit Friends Church
Christ United Methodist Church
First Christian Church
First Church of God
First United Presbyterian Church
Grace Community Church
Israel’s Lutheran Church, Paris
Reading Church of the Brethren
Regina Coeli
St. Joseph of Maximo
Union Avenue United Methodist Church